November Concert celebrating the life of Paul Vaughan: broadcaster, clarinettist, and WSO member

October 2, 2015

Our November concert will be a celebration of the life of broadcaster and friend of WSO, Paul Vaughan and will feature the beautiful and well known clarinet concerto by Mozart.

Paul Vaughan was the narrator of the BBC’s popular science programme Horizon, where he became known as ‘the first invisible star of television’. Photograph: Steve Lyne

Paul Vaughan was a long-standing member and supporter of WSO. He was a celebrated broadcaster of science and arts programmes, a journalist, author and narrator and presented the Radio 4 arts programme Kaleidoscope from 1973 to 1998. Paul joined WSO in the 1960s and remained a loyal and regular player until 2010 as a member of the clarinet section as well as serving on the orchestra’s committee and writing concert programme notes.

He was a passionate chamber musician and was fond of organising informal sessions at his home. The repertoire for this concert has been selected with Paul very much in our minds and features the clarinet as a solo, chamber and orchestral instrument.


The trick to turning butterflies into a box of miraculous delights, Zeb Soanes in conversation with WSO's Helena Todd.


Concert Schedule, Repertoire and Artists Announced for WSO’s 2015-2016 Season